Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thursday 9 September 2010. Darfield Quake. Day 6. Damaged Streets, Buildings, Riccarton Road

Thursday 9 September 2010. Darfield Quake. Day 6. Wet. City streets, buildings, Riccarton Rd focus. After trekking Christchurch, 62 streets so far, I slowed down, no longer gushing adrenalin. My shaken body was returning to normal metabolism, despite daily aftershocks. I still wanted to document broken-buildings & authorities' efforts during the State-of-Emergency, while "normal" laws were shelved & "normal" people were implied criminals, burglars, looters by cops, soldiers, CD.

Wednesday 8 September 2010, I'd snapped Riccarton Rd damaged-buildings while trekking down Riccarton Rd from Westfield Mall main entrance to The National Bank, Riccarton Rd / Clarence St. Next day, Thursday 9 September 2010, I trekked Riccarton Rd again, those buildings were demolished overnight.

Public safety: CD deterred citizens from damaged-homes, businesses, workplaces: plethora of POLICE plastic-tape; orange-plastic-road-cones; plastic-bollards; steel-mesh-fence-cordons; saturation media-coverage; military-cordons; curfews; educational-institution closures; rubbernecking discouraged; driving around discouraged; visiting suburbs beyond your home-suburb discouraged; viewing damaged-towns like Kaiapoi discouraged; red, yellow, green inspection-stickers on buildings; condemning, boarding state-housing, relocating residents e.g. at New Brighton; professional-counselling; Hi-Vis vests / jackets, colourful hard-hats worn by officials: orange, yellow, green.

Who checked decisions made by State-of-Emergency CD, engineers, USAR / TF, NZRT, fire-service, cops, NZDF, those who doled out dollars for damages: EQC, insurers?

Building-inspections, stickers problem: once a building was red-stickered it was doomed to limbo, or demolition. Public-entry banned! Red- stickered buildings doomed nearby buildings, which could be green-stickered or yellow-stickered. Who wanted to live or shop near an unstable, red-stickered building, ready to collapse? State-of-Emergency clean-ups, demolitions, repairs continued.

I drove to Jake's Waltham Rd flat, behind the Honda chop-shop. Along the way, I coolpixed damage at Bealey Ave / Papanui Rd / Victoria St crossing. On my return I snapped damages on Riccarton Rd near Rotherham St, where Jake had pre-quakes worked at Fox & Ferret gastro-pub.

Heaton St / Rossall St: Fallen, concrete-block, garden-wall, steel-mesh-fence-cordoned.

Rossall St / Rhodes St: I would give permission for Dr Andreas Konecny & Dr Manfred Kandler to publish my quake-toppled garden-wall snap, Rhodes St, in a research publication comparing ancient, modern, quake-toppled-walls in Roman Carnuntum (360 AD quake) & Christchurch.

09.09.10. Quake damaged garden wall, steel mesh fence cordoned, Heaton St / Rossall St. Wall would become more damaged by serial quakes

09.09.10. Quake toppled garden wall, Rhodes St. Dr Andreas Konecny & Dr Manfred Kandler used this pic in a research publication, comparing ancient & modern, quake fallen walls in Roman Carnuntum (quake destroyed 360 AD) & Christchurch

Carlton Mill Rd: Cracks across road. Fallen-brick, garden-wall, POLICE plastic-taped. Rubble in garden, on footpath.

09.09.10. Quake buckled Carlton Mill Rd, repaired within a week

09.09.10. Magnolia, quake toppled brick wall, Carlton Mill Rd. The wall was repaired then serial quake damaged

09.09.10. Quake toppled brick wall, Carlton Mill Rd. White, plastic, tape cordoned, DANGER KEEP OUT

09.09.10. Quake damaged old Carlton Hotel, Bealey Ave / Papanui Rd, steel mesh fence cordoned. Badly damaged by the M6.3, 22.02.11 quake & soon demolished. Post 2011 quakes, a new Burger King would be built on Carlton Hotel site

09.09.10. Quake damaged Burger King / Carlton Hotel, Bealey Ave / Papanui Rd, steel mesh fence cordoned. Badly damaged by the M6.3, 22.02.11 quake & soon demolished. Post 2011 quakes, a new Burger King would be built on Carlton Hotel site

Bealey Ave / Papanui Rd: Carlton Hotel, steel-mesh-fence-cordon sign:


Carlton Hotel's parapet-balustrade fallen. Pre-quakes, Luke bought burgers at Carlton Hotel / Burger King. Several times during post-quake weeks, while the building was unstable, business as usual, we bought burgers there. The damaged-parapet-corner was soon nylon-strapped against aftershocks. Nearly 3 months post-quake, scaffolding would be erected, repairs begun.

Whenever I entered a dangerous-building, like Burger King, or trekked past a dangerous-building, I got the creeps. My attitude to buildings changed, especially old, brick or stone buildings & high-rises: Wooden-buildings were safer. Brick, stone, concrete, glass buildings unsafe!

09.09.10. Quake damaged Burger King / Carlton Hotel, Bealey Ave / Papanui Rd, steel mesh fence cordoned. Badly damaged by the M6.3, 22.02.11 quake & soon demolished. Post 2011 quakes, a new Burger King would be built on Carlton Hotel site

09.09.10. Fenced off Burger King / Carlton Hotel, Bealey Ave / Papanui Rd, steel mesh fence cordoned. Badly damaged by the M6.3, 22.02.11 quake & soon demolished. Post 2011 quakes, a new Burger King was built on Carlton Hotel site

Carlton Hotel would stay steel-mesh-fence-cordoned for weeks post-quake, narrowing Bealey Ave, slowing traffic. Damaged-buildings & roads all over Christchurch were steel-mesh-fence-cordoned, causing traffic-jams. People generally observed good road-sense post-quake, with polite driving. Except for the $80 speed fine I got for driving 61 km/h in a 50 km/h zone on Wairakei Rd near home!

09.09.10. Quake damaged parapet, Carlton Hotel, Bealey Ave / Papanui Rd, steel mesh fence cordoned. Badly damaged by the M6.3, 22.02.11 quake & soon demolished. Post 2011 quakes, a new Burger King would be built on Carlton Hotel site

During the National State-of-Emergency post 22 February 2011 quake, One News would have 3 porta-cabins & equipment in a carpark opposite Carlton Hotel, Papanui Rd. One News would broadcast their TV news there daily.

Carlton Hotel corner parapet was demolished after a week into the current State-of-Emergency, as it was tilted, unstable, dangerous. Post 2011 quakes, a new Burger King would be built on Carlton Hotel demolition-site.

Bealey Ave: Saggio di vino, wall-bricks toppled. Yellow, USAR / TF graffiti on window. White-plastic-tape; orange-plastic-road-cones; steel-mesh-fence-cordon. Brick-gable toppled, Knox Presbyterian Church, steel-mesh-fence-cordoned. Yellow daffodils blooming on road-island, opposite trashed, garden brick-wall, rubble on footpath.

09.09.10. Quake damaged Bealey Ave / Victoria St crossing bldgs, steel mesh fence cordoned. Knox Presbyterian Church would be trashed by the M6.3, 22.02.11 quake, walls peeled off, exposing wooden arches. Knox Church was visual pollution for 3 years with wooden arches exposed to the elements. Knox Church would be restored in 2014, copper wall panels

09.09.10. Quake damaged Knox Presbyterian Church, Bealey Ave / Victoria St, steel mesh fence cordoned. The church's roof & gables were extensively damaged. Knox Church would be trashed by the M6.3, 22.02.11 quake. A Jap TV crew would camp in a brown minibus on the road island opposite Knox Church during the national state of emergency

09.09.10. Quake damaged Saggio di vino, Bealey / Victoria St. Bldg was soon scaffolded, outer wall stripped off & rebuilt. Victoria St bldg behind was also quake damaged, soon demolished. Saggio di vino would be trashed by the 22.02.11 quake & demolished

09.09.10. Daffodils, quake damaged bldg, Bealey Ave. Garden wall rubble on pavement

09.09.10. Quake damaged bldg, Bealey Ave. Window boarded, roof blue tarped. Garden wall rubble on pavement

Waltham Rd: Mineral & Lapidary Club, wall-bricks toppled, POLICE plastic-taped.

09.09.10. Quake damaged Canterbury Mineral & Lapidary Club, Waltham Rd. 3 months post quake the bldg was still damaged, no repairs. 5 months post quake, ditto. Severely damaged by the 22.02.11 quake & demolished

09.09.10. Close up, quake damaged Canterbury Mineral & Lapidary Club wall, Waltham Rd. 3 months post quake the bldg was still damaged, no repairs. 5 months post quake, ditto. Severely damaged by the 22.02.11 quake & demolished

09.09.10. Front facade, quake damaged Canterbury Mineral & Lapidary Club, Waltham Rd. 3 months post quake the bldg was still damaged, no repairs. 5 months post quake, ditto. Severely damaged by the 22.02.11 quake & demolished

09.09.10. Honda chop shop, undamaged by quake, Waltham Rd

Riccarton Rd / Rotherham St: JK Kids, WellBeing, Gemtime Jeweller, Shoe Shop, Thai Restaurant, Flight Centre. Several shops trashed; footpath-awnings fallen, brick-rubble on footpath; POLICE yellow, white, plastic-taped, guarded by one cop, one cop-car, stopping citizen entry. GLASS ABOVE yellow, spray-painted on footpath. Across the road, several brick rubble-heaps, after shop-demolitions.

09.09.10. GLASS ABOVE hazard after quake damage to bldgs, Riccarton Rd

09.09.10. Quake damaged Gemtime Jeweller & nearby shop evacuation, Riccarton Rd, white, plastic, tape cordoned. Cop advising owners

09.09.10. Quake damaged Gemtime Jeweller & cop car, Riccarton Rd, white, plastic, POLICE tape cordoned

09.09.10. Quake damaged Gemtime Jeweller, Riccarton Rd

09.09.10. Quake damaged shops, Thai restaurant, Riccarton Rd, white, plastic, POLICE tape cordoned

09.09.10. Quake damaged Thai restaurant, Riccarton Rd, white, plastic, tape cordoned

09.09.10. Quake damaged Flight Centre, Riccarton Rd, yellow, plastic, tape cordoned, CAUTION

09.09.10. Quake damaged shops & red bus, Riccarton Rd, yellow & white, plastic, tape cordoned

09.09.10. Quake damaged shop, Riccarton Rd / Rotherham St, yellow & white, plastic, tape cordoned

13.09.10. Cleaned up shop fronts soon post quake, Riccarton Rd

13.09.10. Cleaned up shop fronts, incl Gemtime Jeweller, soon post quake, Riccarton Rd, white, plastic taped, orange, plastic, road cone cordoned

09.09.10. Demolished shop by Browsers, opp Riccarton Rd / Rotherham St junction, white, plastic tape cordoned. Day before, bldg was standing

13.09.10. Demolished shop by Browsers & quake damaged shops, opp Riccarton Rd / Rotherham St junction, steel mesh fence cordoned, orange, plastic, road coned

09.09.10. Demolished shops / Advanced Bldg estd 1923 & school van, Riccarton Rd. Day before, bldg was standing

09.09.10. Demolished shops / Advanced Bldgs estd 1923, by City of Ink, Riccarton Rd. Day before, bldg was standing

09.09.10. Demolished 90 Riccarton Rd. Day before, bldg was standing

13.09.10. Demolished 90 Riccarton Rd, steel mesh fence cordoned

Soon post-quakes, shops on one side of Riccarton Rd were saved, shops on the other side demolished. Did some Riccarton Rd shops really need demolishing by CD & demolishers during the State-of-Emergency?

Pak 'n Save supermarket sign:


Business as usual post-quakes.

09.09.10. Pak 'n Save OPEN sign, Riccarton Rd / Matipo St, as Westfield Riccarton, incl Pak 'n Save, was closed for days after the quake

Riccarton Rd / Rattray St: Rubbished meat in Waste Management, orange skip, after quake power cuts.

09.09.10. Meat rubbished, Waste Management bin, after quake power cuts, Rattray St / Riccarton Rd

*Trekked Heaton St, Rhodes St, Carlton Mill Rd, Bealey Ave, Waltham Rd, Riccarton Rd. 38 snaps.

As landline & cell-phone connections were jammed, I used Facebook, telling family & friends we were OK.


Thanks for birthday wishes folks. Luke pointed out my birth date: 8.9.10. Day off quake-trekking today. Still stinking of quakemire. Devastation images in my head. 9 September 2.15pm.

Day 5. Saw McLaren International Claim Services bloke at Bush Inn. Bush Inn shops open. Riccarton Westfield shops closed. Many Christchurch sewage-pipes broken. HireQuip loos at Avonside, Portaloos at Bexley. Luke's tech closed this week, like schools & varsities. Leah talked to a Chinese tourist, both amazed, no fatalities. 9 September 2.23pm.

Quake-vehicles: Civil Defence cars, fire-engine with big aerials at Art Gallery HQ. Ambulances, fire-engines, cop-cars, troop-vans. Orion electricity-generator truck for 75 houses at NZTV & radio buildings, contractor-vans, City Care trucks, Fulton Hogan road-trucks, cranes, cherry-pickers, demolishers, excavators roaming Christchurch. 9 September 2.32pm.

Day 6. Aftershocks continue. Christchurch on swampland. State-of-Emergency continues till next Wednesday. Cops, troops still guarding CBD- cordons. Mona Vale: chimney, roof damages. Trekked CBD shrunken-cordon yesterday. Revisited Avonside damage: more destruction, workmen doing building & road repairs. People dazed, 1000 yard stares. 9 September 2.45pm.

Thurs 6.28pm: Big aftershock, our house shook, creaked. Average two aftershocks / hour last 5.5 days (NZTV 6pm news). 9 September 7.07pm.

Content & pics Copyright Mark JS Esslemont.

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