Two months post-quake, Kaiapoi workmen had done many road-repairs, some streets more zebra-striped with new tarseal than pedestrian-crossings. Streets still had portaloos. Summer grass grew in cracks, liquefaction silt, new soil.
Downriver, huge cracks still broke up Raven Quay road beside Kaiapoi River, but CBD side of Raven Quay was graded with new soil, so a new public footpath could be made atop the stopbank, replacing the damaged footpath.
Courtenay Dr: Near Kaiapoi River, Courtenay Stream, Courtenay Lake, was badly damaged by liquefaction. New tarseal in big patches. Driveways, curbs, drains cracked. Several ghost-houses, plastic-tape-cordoned. Green-portaloos roadside. Tilted lamp-poles.
Threat-sign, middle of Courtenay Dr, discouraging rubberneckers:
12.11.10. Blue portaloo, road sign discouraging weekend rubberneckers, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake tilted lamp post, Courtenay Dr / Charters St, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. NCF Reserve sign, liquefaction damaged Courtenay Dr cnr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Liquefaction damaged, concrete driveway & road, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Liquefaction damaged, iron drain, orange, plastic, road cone cordoned, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Liquefaction damaged drain, orange, plastic, road cone cordoned, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Liquefaction cracked, concrete driveway & repaired road, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. DANGER RAW SEWAGE KEEP OUT! NCF Reserve, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Grey liquefaction silt, NCF Reserve, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake crack near Courtenay Lake, NCF Reserve, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Grey liquefaction silt, NCF Reserve, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Grass growing over grey liquefaction silt, NCF Reserve, Kaiapoi
Two months post 4 September 2010 Darfield Quake, quakemire still seen at NCF Reserve. Grass overgrew the liquefaction-silt. NCF Reserve, threat-sign:
Stopbank by Courtenay Stream being repaired. Deep cracks on asphalt footpath beside Kaiapoi River. Cracks due to lateral-spreading.
12.11.10. Repair to quake damaged, stopbank road over Courtenay Stream, Raven Quay, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake cracked road, Raven Quay, Kaiapoi. Cracks went for several 100 metres towards Kaiapoi CBD
12.11.10. Quake cracked road, Raven Quay, Kaiapoi. Road slumped towards Kaiapoi River, due to lateral spreading
12.11.10. Quake cracked road slumping towards Kaiapoi River, Raven Quay, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Workman, quake cracks, Raven Quay, Kaiapoi River
12.11.10. Liquefaction damaged roadside, concrete driveway, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake damaged house, Courtenay Dr / Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
Kaiapoi houses showed trashing: loose chimneys, loose roof-tiles, tilted houses sinking into quakemire, cracked walls, either vertical cracks, or zigzag cracks, particularly top & bottom corners, due to shaking & twisting. Garden-walls tilted. Garages tilted, doors wrenched at odd angles from garage-walls. Doors separated from door-jambs at odd angles. Some houses, yellow-stickered. Others, cordoned with orange or white, plastic DANGER tape.
Kaiapoi roads were cracked, buckled. Concrete-curbs were spalled, snapped. Driveway-concrete was cracked, huge slabs of concrete displaced several centimetres apart. Lamp-poles & power-poles tilted at odd angles. Heavy steel drain-grilles displaced at odd angles.
12.11.10. Quake damaged roof, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake cracked, brick house wall, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake split, house walls, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake tilted, brick gate post & brick house columns, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Yellow stickered door, yellow, plastic, tape cordoned, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10 Quake damaged roof above front door, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake tilted garage, yellow, plastic, tape cordoned, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi. 13.09.17. USA design engineer, Spencer Straub would publish this garage pic & 2 associated garage pics in a 2017 presentation for post earthquake building evaluations
Courtenay Dr / Reay Pl: I would give permission for USA engineer, Spencer Straub to publish a tilted, brick-garage snap & 2 associated garage snaps in his 2017 Presentation for Earthquake Building Evaluations.
12.11.10. Quake tilted, brick garage wall, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake tilted, brick garden wall post, orange, plastic, tape cordoned, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake tilted, brick garden wall, orange, plastic, tape cordoned, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake snapped, concrete curb, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Liquefaction damaged doorway, garages, white, plastic, tape cordoned, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Yellow stickered, quake damaged doorway, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake twisted, brick house wall, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake cracked, brick house wall, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake split, brick house walls, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake cracked, brick house cnr, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake damaged, brick house doorway, garage, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Yellow stickered, quake damaged, house doorway, garage, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake cracked, concrete driveway, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Yellow stickered, quake damaged house, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
Courtenay Dr: House-door, threat-sign:
During rebuild, we would see many Demolition & Construction WARNING signs. There would soon be EXTREME DANGER threat-signs.
12.11.10. WARNING DANGEROUS AREA threat sign, quake damaged, house door, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake split, house cnr walls, Courtenay Dr, Kaiapoi
Raven Quay, nearer town, was being regraded by earthmoving machines, preparing for a new tarsealed footpath on top. I would give permission to Deb Donnell to publish my snap of tilted Kaiapoi Visitors Centre near MV Tuhoe sailing-ship moored in Kaiapoi River, in her 2015 book, Christchurch, Keswin Publishing Ltd. Her picture-books were in public-libraries.
12.11.10. Post quake, earth moving vehicles, Raven Quay, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Walking newly graded stopbank, before rebuild of tarsealed footpath, quake damaged Raven Quay, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake damaged Raven Quay view, Kaiapoi River, quake tilted Kaiapoi Visitors Centre
12.11.10. Quake tilted, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Coastguard bldg & MV Tuhoe ship, Kaiapoi River, seen from Raven Quay. Deb Donnell would publish this pic in her 2015 book, Christchurch, Keswin Publishing, Ltd
12.11.10. Quake tilted Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Kaiapoi River, seen from Raven Quay
Raven Quay, Waimakariri District Council sign:
The Waimakariri District Council is now moving from a response mode to a recovery mode. An Infrastructure Recovery Unit has been established to manage the recovery. Recovery areas are shown below. [Kaiapoi map - Kaiapoi W, Town Centre, Kaiapoi E, Kaiapoi S].
The unit is made up of teams that are working on the recovery of water and sewer services and also your streets.
Their Task
Rebuild your damaged streets as soon as possible! These include older areas of Kaiapoi (East and West) and Pines Beach / Kairaki.
Your Thoughts
The Streetscape Team wants to hear your views and discuss ideas before any plans are prepared. The team is inviting you to a series of Street Ideas BBQs and Town Centre Project Open Days. Any street issues or design ideas for the more modern area of Kaiapoi South can be discussed with the Streetscape Team at any of these events.
Stay Updated
Visit www... to submit your details and receive regular updates via email on what's happening in your area...
12.11.10. REBUILDING THE STREETS OF KAIAPOI sign, post quake Raven Quay, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Orange / white, plastic bollard cordon. Quake trashed, Blackwell's Department Store, Williams St, Kaiapoi. Blackwell's would be rebuilt
Williams St: Two-storey, Blackwell's department-store trashed; white / orange-plastic-bollard-cordoned; part of south side-roof & brick-parapet partly fallen, exposing trusses & ruined offices; brick, side-wall collapsed, exposing top-floor offices; ground-floor windows boarded; orange-plastic-road-cones guided traffic. Blackwell's would be rebuilt.
12.11.10. White / orange, plastic bollard cordon. Quake trashed Blackwell's, Williams St, Kaiapoi. Blackwell's would be rebuilt
12.11.10. Williams St view, quake damaged Blackwell's, Kaiapoi. Blackwell's would be rebuilt
12.11.10. Williams St view, quake damaged Blackwell's, Kaiapoi. Blackwell's would be rebuilt
12.11.10. Williams St Bridge view, quake damaged, Mandeville Bridge, Kaiapoi River. Mandeville Bridge would be repaired
Mandeville Bridge, pedestrian suspension-bridge over Kaiapoi River: Buckled, steel-mesh-fence-cordoned, both river-banks. Mandeville Bridge would be repaired.
12.11.10. KAIAPOI LOOKING FORWARD sign, Williams St, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake damaged, Mandeville Bridge, Kaiapoi River. Mandeville bridge would be repaired
12.11.10. Quake buckled, Mandeville Bridge, Kaiapoi River. Mandeville bridge would be repaired
12.11.10. Quake damaged, Mandeville Bridge over Kaiapoi River. Mandeville Bridge would be repaired
12.11.10. Quake buckled, Mandeville Bridge over Kaiapoi River. Mandeville Bridge would be repaired
12.11.10. Quake buckled, Mandeville Bridge over Kaiapoi River. Mandeville Bridge would be repaired
12.11.10. Steel mesh fence cordon stopping use of quake damaged, Mandeville Bridge, Kaiapoi River. Mandeville Bridge would be repaired
12.11.10. Mandeville Bridge sign, Kaiapoi River. Mandeville Bridge would be repaired
12.11.10. Raven Quay view, quake damaged, Mandeville Bridge, Kaiapoi River. Mandeville Bridge would be repaired
12.11.10. Quake buckled, Mandeville Bridge, Kaiapoi River. Mandeville Bridge would be repaired
12.11.10. Quake tilted, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre. Concrete secured cables & new concrete foundation stopped the bldg sliding further into Kaiapoi River. Kaiapoi Visitors Centre would be relocated 100m upriver behind the stopbank, revamped as Paris for the Weekend cafe, estd 2016
Charles St, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre: Old, wooden, railway-station, true left-bank, Kaiapoi River, tilted south, building secured by new, steel-cables & new concrete-piles on the west side. A new concrete-foundation on the south side, dated 11.9.10, stopped further slipping of the building south into Kaiapoi River. On the north side, a deep crack, about one foot wide, where the building had pulled away from the old railway-platform. The crack was wide enough for Leah to sit & put her legs in the crack. Roof-damage above railway- platform.
Kaiapoi Visitors Centre door, faded red-sticker, 05.09.10:
This building has been seriously damaged and is unsafe. Do not enter. Entry may result in death or injury. The damage observed from external inspection is described below:
"Building on a lean has moved southwards."
Entry only with specific authorisation from Territorial Authority acting under the authority of the Civil Defence Emergency Controller...
I'd seen many red-stickers on Christchurch buildings. Confusing, as they just showed quick external inspections & were too small to read at a distance.
Charles St, Kaiapoi Coastguard: Next to Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, building also tilted. Concrete-paving beside Kaiapoi Coastguard was cracked. Northwest corner, a deep sinkhole, with conked concrete-paving. Further along Charles St, a yellow-pump pumped sludge into Kaiapoi River. Roadside portaloos & pumps meant sewage-pipes were stuffed. Nearby flag-pole & lamp-poles were tilted. Roadside, concrete-curbs, snapped, buckled.
12.11.10. Quake tilted window, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Kaiapoi River
12.11.10. Post quake, concrete foundation, 11.09.10, stopping Kaiapoi Visitors Centre sliding further S into Kaiapoi River
12.11.10. Leg in quake cracked concrete, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Kaiapoi River. MV Tuhoe ship behind
12.11.10. Quake tilted, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Kaiapoi River. Kaiapoi Visitors Centre would be relocated 100m upriver, revamped as Paris for the Weekend cafe, estd 2016
12.11.10. Quake tilted, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Kaiapoi River
12.11.10. Quake cracked concrete, Kaiapoi Coastguard, Charles St.
12.11.10. Quake cracks, quake tilted, Kaiapoi Coastguard, Charles St. Quake void / sinkhole between concrete slabs & bldg
12.11.10. Quake tilted, Kaiapoi Coastguard, Charles St. Coastguard would survive the quakes
12.11.10. Quake tilted, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Charles St. Gap between concrete platform & bldg
12.11.10. Mind the gap, quake tilted Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Charles St
12.11.10. "Building on a lean and has moved southwards." Faded red sticker, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Charles St
12.11.10. Quake damaged roof, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Charles St
12.11.10. Quake tilted, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Charles St
12.11.10. Quake tilted, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre view, quake tilted lamp post & flag pole, Charles St
12.11.10. Quake damaged, Tom Ayers Dr, quake tilted lamp post & Kaiapoi Visitors Centre which would be relocated 100m upriver, revamped as Paris for the Weekend cafe, estd 2016
12.11.10. Blue portaloos, quake buckled curbs & road repairs, Jones St, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Quake cracked, concrete curb, Charles St, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Charles St drain, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Repaired road, liquefaction silt, quake snapped, concrete curb, Charles St, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Liquefaction silt, quake snapped, concrete curb, yellow pump, Charles St, Kaiapoi
12.11.10. Ducks in stream by quake damaged, driveway bridge, Askeaton Dr, Kaiapoi
*Trekked Courtenay Dr, NCF Reserve, Raven Quay, Reay Pl, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre, Kaiapoi River, Williams St, Mandeville Bridge, Charles St, Tom Ayers Dr, Jones St, Askeaton Dr. 85 snaps.
Three months post 4 September Darfield Quake, NZ's Governor General would visit Kaiapoi, Pines Beach, Kairaki Beach, reported in The Press, while EQC boasted about "225 loss adjusters and estimators plus support staff working in Canterbury over the Christmas and New Year period... Call Centres will remain staffed 24 hours a day and seven days a week right through the period. Payments and other EQC staff will be working through as well."
EQC Claims summary
"The claims we received by 6 December deadline for the 4 September earthquake was 160 641. [Different from the 190 000 figure EQC spouted to parliament questioners a week before]. This was made up of 157 071 claims for the main quake, 1 178 for the 19 October aftershock and 1 792 for the 14 November aftershock.
The two aftershocks were of a magnitude that allowed us to treat them as new events i.e. separate earthquakes. The explanation for this is quite technical. It has to do with size, intensity and depth, and a perception they are likely to generate further damage. [EQC worried its 6 December deadline couldn't accommodate aftershocks claims properly].
Since then the claim numbers for the aftershocks has grown to 2 010 and 1 879 respectively... The deadlines for lodging claims from 19 October and 14 November aftershocks are three months from those dates..."
EQC Claims settlement status
"Monday 6 December: Fieldwork in progress 20 724; Fieldwork complete 17 112; Claims complete 16 687; Fieldwork not started 105 292.
Friday 17 December: Fieldwork in progress 23 668; Fieldwork complete 19 330; Claims complete 22 666; Fieldwork not started 95 472.
Claims at 17 December
(Including aftershocks)
Christchurch 126 238
Waimakariri 11 962
Selwyn 11 792
Timaru 4 154
Ashburton 3 602
Other 3 383
Total 161 131" (The Press).
EQC's 17 December fieldwork & claims figures didn't tally with their own Total: 5 out. According to EQC's fantastic figures, 3.5 months post-quake, EQC had only settled 14% of claims.
EQC had dithered over claims for 3.5 months. Pity EQC didn't settle claims quickly, instead of boasting how hard staff would work over the festive season.
Woken up 1.34pm, Sunday 14 November, big aftershock, M4.7, depth 7km, 20km W of Christchurch (GeoNet). Lying on our lounge carpet, I felt it, annoying buzzing in my hip-joint. No wonder farm animals are spooked by quakes. 14 November 8.43am
@ Louise. 2 months+ the gods are crazy! 14 November 9.50am
@Shiela, Janet. Bigger aftershock M4.9, depth 9km, 7.21pm last night Sunday, 20km SW of Christchurch. 22 November 09.10am.
Post 22 February 2011 & 13 June 2011 quakes, the Press 19.08.11 would report that on 18.08.11, nearly a year post 4 September Darfield Quake, CERA zoning: "940 orange zone homes in the district including 840 in Kaiapoi and 80 in Pines Beach are placed into the red zone, with another 220 reclassified green."
CERA's red-zoned homes were on damaged ground too expensive to repair. Home-owners must evacuate their homes & negotiate with NZ National government & / or insurers for compensation. Kaiapoi red-zone would include long lengths of Courtenay Dr & Charles St.
The Press would quote Earthquake Recovery minister Brownlee: "The overall drop for the area is round about the height of an A4 piece of paper."
September 2015. MV Tuhoe would run aground on the Waimakariri River mouth bar after repairs at Lyttelton. MV Tuhoe would be broken up for salvage.
September 2019. A day in Kaiapoi: CERA's red-zoned land along Courtenay Dr & opposite Chales St was demolition-land: houses gone, land grassed, trees, shrubs remained, park effect, wire-fenced. LINZ fence signs:
Charles St: The old station, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre was relocated about 100m upriver behind the stopbank, opposite New World. The old station, Kaiapoi Visitors Centre was revamped as Paris for the Weekend cafe, estd 2016. Nearby Coastguard building survived the quakes. New sports grounds were made in the red-zone, demolition-area, opposite Charles St. New Blackwell's did business. Repaired Mandeville Bridge was used by pedestrians. Whitebait fisherman fished by Mandeville Bridge.
04.11.19. TVOne News: Kaiapoi River Queen would be moored where MV Tuhoe was moored in Kaiapoi River.
Content & pics Copyright Mark JS Esslemont.
Gave permission to local author Deb Donnell to publish a Kaiapoi Visitors Centre pic in her 2015 book, Christchurch, Keswin Publishing, 2015
ReplyDeleteGave permission to USA design engineer Spencer Straub to publish two quake damaged, garage door pics for a presentation for post earthquake building evaluations.