Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lyttelton two months post Darfield Quake

14.11.10. Lyttelton focus. Two months post 4 September 2010 Darfield Quake, M7.1, I drove to Lyttelton to snap damages & rebuild there. I drove via Avon-Heathcote Estuary at Redcliffs, Sumner, reopened Evans Pass, which was closed for a while due to a landslide.

Beachville Rd, Redcliffs, by Avon-Heathcote Estuary: Lateral-spreading, long cracks by the estuary, for about 500m beside the broken seawall. The 22 February 2011 quake would increase lateral-spreading along Beachville Rd, causing the seawall to tilt seawards.

14.11.10. Quake cracked pavement, footpath, lateral spreading by Avon-Heathcote Estuary sea wall, Beachville Rd

14.11.10. Quake cracked footpath, pavement, lateral spreading by Avon-Heathcote Estuary sea wall, Beachville Rd

14.11.10. Quake cracked footpath, carpark, lateral spreading by Avon-Heathcote Estuary sea wall, Beachville Rd

14.11.10. Quake cracked carpark, lateral spreading by Avon-Heathcote Estuary sea wall, Beachville Rd

14.11.10. Quake cracked footpath, pavement, lateral spreading by Avon-Heathcote Estuary sea wall, Beachville Rd. Moncks Bay beyond

Evans Pass: On my drive to Lyttelton via Sumner & Evans Pass, I saw rockfalls were cleared from Evans Pass: clean "new" roadside cuttings, rock-scarred road.

London St, Lyttelton: Harbour Light Theatre, two storey, brick, side-wall cracked. Facade steel-reinforced. Concrete-tower atop façade, steel-propped. Harbour Light Theatre would be demolished post 22 February 2011 quake.

14.11.10. Quake cracked, Harbour Light Theatre & steel reinforcement, London St. Harbour Light Theatre would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Quake cracked, Harbour Light Theatre & steel reinforcement, London St. Harbour Light Theatre would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Quake damaged, Harbour Light Theatre & steel reinforcement, London St. Harbour Light Theatre would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

Post-quake reinforcements like wood-bracing or steel-bracing, boarding, nylon-strapping stopped walls, facades, gables, parapets shaking to bits during many aftershocks.

14.11.10. Structex quake inspection sticker, London St

London St building, Structex, white inspection-sticker:



This building has received a brief walkover inspection. While no apparent structural safety hazards have been found, a more comprehensive inspection of the exterior and interior may reveal engineering related issues.


This building has been damaged and its structural safety is questionable. Enter only at own risk. Subsequent aftershocks or other events may result in increased damage and danger, changing this assessment. Re-inspection may be required. The damage observed is as described below:


This building has been seriously damaged and is unsafe. Do not enter. Entry may result in death or injury. The damage observed is as described below:

Cross out the designations that do not apply. [RESTRICTED & UNSAFE were crossed out on the sticker].

Description of damage and / or notes on restricted use...

White engineering inspection-sticker: an example of inconsistent inspection-stickers on buildings post Darfield Quake. Although the white sticker did the same job as Christchurch City Council's green, yellow, red inspection-stickers, the white inspection-sticker's wording was different & would confuse those heeding Council's colour-coded-stickers. At a glance, the white inspection-sticker could easily be mistaken as a building-owner's relocation-notice or advice-notice to customers. There were many such relocation-notices & advice-notices on quaked buildings.

London St, Empire Hotel: two-storey, steel-braced, brick-façade. Part of the top-balustrade was nylon-strapped. Corner-parapet cracked. Plaster fallen from top-storey windows. Empire Hotel would be demolished post 22 February 2011 quake. 2021. The weedy demolition-site would have a FOR SALE sign on it. 2023. Demolition-site still vacant, weedy, covered with wood-chip-mulch, absorbing mud from pedestrian usage.

14.11.10. Quake damaged, steel braced Empire Hotel, London St. Empire Hotel would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Quake damaged, steel braced, strapped Empire Hotel, London St. Empire Hotel would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Quake damaged, steel braced, strapped Empire Hotel cnr, London St. Empire Hotel would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Orange, plastic, fence cordon. Quake damaged gravity retaining wall, covered by blue tarp, Oxford St

Soon post-quake, tech student Luke went on a Lyttelton excursion led by his tutor, showing damaged, gravity retaining-walls & damaged cantilever-walls.

Oxford St: Trashed, gravity retaining-wall: toppled, red-tuff stones on footpath. Orange-plastic-barrier-cordon. Wall gap, blue-tarped.

14.11.10. Tarp bandaged, quake damaged chimney, Oxford St. Quail Island backdrop

Oxford St: Damaged two-storey, weatherboard house, blue-tarped chimney. Brick two-storey: red-stickered; wood-braced, boarded-facade; blue, nylon-strapped parapet; steel-mesh-fence-cordon. Brick one-storey, tilted. Side-wall, wood-braced.

14.11.10. Quake damaged, window braced, boarded, strapped bldg, Oxford St. Bldg would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Quake damaged, braced, boarded, strapped bldg, Oxford St. Bldg would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Quake tilted bldg, Oxford St. Bldg would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Undamaged door, quake tilted bldg, Oxford St

Gladstone Quay, Lyttelton Times: two-storey, top-storey, wood-braced. Two sailors carrying suitcases wandered to the port. Subsequent quakes would topple Lyttelton Times side-wall. 2023. Lyttelton Times would still be abandoned, no repairs yet.

Lyttelton Museum: three-storey, parapet wood-braced. Steel-mesh-fence-cordoned. Lyttelton Museum would be demolished post 22 February 2011 quake.

14.11.10. Quake damaged, wood braced Lyttelton Times, Gladstone Quay. Bldg would be badly damaged by the 22.02.11 quake, then demolished

14.11.10. Wood braced, quake damaged Lyttelton Times, Gladstone Quay. Bldg would be badly damaged by the 22.02.11 quake, then demolished

14.11.10. Sailors. Quake damaged Lyttelton Times, Gladstone Quay. Bldg would be badly damaged by the 22.02.11 quake, then demolished.

14.11.10. Steel mesh fence cordon. Quake damaged Lyttelton Museum, Gladstone Quay. Museum would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Quake damaged, wood braced Lyttelton Museum parapet, Gladstone Quay. Museum would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Steel mesh fence cordon. Wood braced parapet, quake damaged Lyttelton Museum, Gladstone Quay. Museum would be demolished post 22.02.11 quake

14.11.10. Parapet, wood reinforced, brick wall, quake damaged bldg, Canterbury St, Lyttelton

Canterbury St: Brick two-storey, side brick-wall, boarded below parapet.

Lyttelton would be hugely damaged by the 22 February 2011 quake. Two men would be killed by rockfalls on Port Hills tracks above Lyttelton: St Helmores Track & Major Hornbrook Track.

*Trekked Beachville Rd, London St, Oxford St, Gladstone Quay, Canterbury St. 25 snaps.

Content & pics Copyright Mark JS Esslemont.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures for those of us who don't get to Chch often. My family owned the Empire Hotel during WW2 and it's interesting to see what has happened to the old building since the quake.
